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  • 2 min

Custom icons for content types

A normal convention when listing files is to give them different icons, to easily distinguish between the different types. EPiServer's new media system does not do this by default, but there's a simple fix for this.

Usually when you're uploading files to the new media system, you will get thumbnails for images and video, and just a default icon for other file types. This can be somewhat confusing for editors that has a lot of different files (Word-files, Excel spreadsheets, PDFs or the like). It will typically look like this: Default icon for media

In CMS7 and onwards, one can use a UIDescriptor to describe the edit mode presentation of a content type. For example, one can set the IconClass property, which is what we're going to do here. However, I didn't want to make one implementation of the logic for each and every media type I have. I'd rather rely on a super simple convention. My Media classes will be named <Extension>File, for instance PdfFile. This makes it super simple to add more icons when needed.

So first, my generic UIDescriptor:

Well, that was boring. Nothing really happened. But at least everything's ready to use. You now have to add an actual descriptor for each of your types - and I will be using our beloved PDF files as an example. So I added this (I keep it in the same file as the generic type to keep reduce the amount of near empty files):

Along with this, of course, is a super simple media class called PdfFile like shown below. If you now inspect the markup in the media browser, you might see that your files has gotten a span with a class pdfIcon on it.

Now, to tie it all togheter, you need to add some custom styles to make an actual icon show up. To do this, add a file module.config to the root of your web application (or modify your existing one), and fill it with the following:

...and then add a stylesheet on the correct path in which you can add some styling. Like this:

And now, it should look like something like this:

PDFs now have a proper icon

Neat. That looks quite a bit better. And hopefully your editors will enjoy it too.

So, for those of you who did not pay attention, copypaste the code above, and follow these conventions:

  • Add CSS-classes called <extension>Icon that applies an actual icon. For example docxIcon and pptxIcon.
  • Add UIDescriptor classes for the media types you want to give icons, just like my PdfFileDescriptor above. Examples are DocxFile and PptxFile.
  • As my UIDescriptor needs T where T : ContentData, you should be able to add custom icons to your page tree with this too.

Note: This is partially based on stuff from the following articles. My aim was simply to have the entire step-by-step-guide for such a practical thing in one place: