
Here, you can find details on how we handle your personal data on this website.


Responsibility for processing

Epinova is the data controller for all processing of personal data where we ourselves determine the purpose of the processing of the data and the means we use to do so. In this privacy policy, you can read more about the processing for which Epinova is the data controller. 


Definitions for the purposes of our Privacy Policy: 

The Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Privacy Policy) refers to Epinova. 

Cookies means small files placed on your computer or mobile device by a website, which contain details about your browsing history on the website. 

Websites refer to Epinova, accessible from It means the individual accessing or using the Website, a company or a legal entity. 

You means the individual accessing or using the Website, company or legal entity. 

When does Epinova collect personal data? 

We mainly process information about you in the following cases: 

  • You have sent us an inquiry 
  • You've signed up for an event 
  • You have subscribed to our newsletter 
  • You have applied for a job with us 
  • You have answered a survey from us
  • You visit our website 
  • You are a contact person at one of our customers 

Visiting our website 


A cookie (also called a cookie) is a small text file that is stored on your device. It stores information about how you have used our website.  

Some of the cookies are necessary for various services on our website to work, and Epinova also uses cookies to analyze the use of our website. 

Cookies do not usually contain information that personally identifies a user. However, the personal data we store about you may be linked to the information stored and obtained from cookies. We do not store sensitive personal information, such as email address and password, in the cookies we use. Interpretation and definitions: 

Use of cookies 

Type of cookies

Cookies can be "necessary" or "session" cookies. Necessary cookies remain on your computer or mobile device when you are offline, while session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser. We use both session and necessary cookies for the following purposes: 


Type: Session Capsules 
Managed by: Us 
Purpose: These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. Session cookies help authenticate users and prevent misuse of user accounts. Without the necessary cookies, some features and services of the website will not work. 


Type: Persistent cookies 
Managed by: Us 
Purpose: These cookies remember choices you make when you use the website, for example by remembering your login details or language preferences. The purpose of these cookies is to provide you with a more personalised experience and to avoid having to set your preferences each time you use our website. 


Type: Persistent cookies 
Managed by: Third parties

Google Analytics 

Purpose: We use Google Analytics to analyze website traffic and how users interact on our website. The information collected via these cookies may directly or indirectly identify you as a visitor. The information collected is usually associated with a pseudonymous identifier of the device you use to access the website. We may also use these cookies to test new pages or new functionality on the website to see how our users interact. 

Dynamics 365 Marketing 

Purpose: We use Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing in the contact form on our website. When you as a user submit a form, the behavioral analytics cookie ID is identified to the contact data that we have registered in the Dynamics 365 Marketing platform. This allows us to identify who has visited the website. We may also use the data to analyze your behavior on the website and to provide you with a personalized experience. 


Purpose: We use Siteimprove as a tool to collect statistics such as analytics, accessibility, and SEO on our website. Siteimprove does not collect any personal information and is only used for website statistics. Siteimprove's  cookie generates a randomized ID to recognize the browser. does not collect any personal information and is only used for website statistics. 


Type: Persistent cookies 
Managed by: Third parties 

Google Ads 

Purpose: We use advertising through Google's platform. Cookies are used so that advertising can be targeted based on visitor patterns and track the results of the marketing. More about Google's use of cookies and how you can manage your settings can be found here:   

Facebook Pixel 

Purpose: We use advertising through Facebook's platform. Cookies are used so that advertising can be targeted based on visitor patterns. More about Facebook's use of cookies and how you can manage your settings can be found here: 

LinkedIn Insights Tag 

Purpose: LinkedIn Insight Tag is a JavaScript code that we use to get reports and insights about website visitors. The LinkedIn Insight Tag is used to track conversions and gain insights about people who interact with our links. More about LinkedIn's use of cookies and how you can manage your settings can be found here: 


Purpose: Hotjar is used to better understand how you use our website so that we can improve our services and make changes based on usage patterns. We also analyze where users come from, how long they spend on our pages, which links are clicked on and the number of visitors. 

Your Choices Regarding Cookies 

If you wish to avoid the use of cookies on our website, you must first deactivate and delete the cookies in your browser, which is linked to our website. You can use this option at any time to prevent the use of cookies. If you do not accept our cookies, you may find that services and functions do not work optimally. Please visit the help pages of your browser to disable and delete cookies: 

Google Chrome Help Pages

Microsoft Edge help pages

Microsoft Firefox Help Pages

Apple Safari Help Pages


Other processing of personal data 


What data: We collect information such as your name, email address, company name, as well as history of your interactions with Epinova through email communication (including opens and clicks) and visits to the website. 

Basis for processing: Active consent 

How we process consent: When you fill out a form on, your information is stored in Microsoft Dynamics, which is the tool we use to send out email communication and register interactions with your own network. When you open the emails and click on links in them, information about this is also stored. 

Registration for events 

When registering for our events such as webinars, seminars, etc., we will ask for information such as name, contact information and place of work. The data will be stored in Microsoft Dynamics 365. The purpose of the information is to provide information to the participants, administer and facilitate events. 


Some surveys from Epinova ask for information such as name, contact information and place of work. Submitted data from our surveys is stored in Microsoft Dynamics 365, Google Forms and/or the professional system of one of our partners. The data is used to compile anonymised statistics and professional reports, and is only stored for as long as it is needed for the purpose.

Job seekers 

We use Recman as our candidate management system. As registered in the system, you have the right to demand access, correction and deletion as described in the Personal Data Act. If you want to withdraw your consent, you can do so by deleting your own profile. As a candidate, you can delete your own profile at any time from "Your profile" in the system, or you can contact us for assistance with deletion. From your profile, you can also change information you have entered on your profile in the candidate system. 

Contact persons at our customers 

We collect and process personal data in the CRM system Microsoft Dynamics 365. This includes information such as name, phone number, e-mail address, and other relevant information that emerges from the dialogue between Epinova and the customer. The purpose of the information is to be able to carry out the services agreed with the customer, as well as customer care and invoicing. 

Contact Us 

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please send an email to

Access, change or deletion of your personal data 

You can at any time request access to the personal data we have stored about you, receive information about how the data is processed, and request change/deletion of your personal data. Send an email to .