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  • 1 min

Problems with TMCore EPiServerModule and PageTypeBuilder

<p>Have you ever used the <a href="http://pagetypebuilder.codeplex.com/" target="_blank">PageTypeBuilder</a> in an EPiServer project? If not, you should definitely&nbsp;take a look at it.</p>

Some time ago I participated in project where we used the TMCore EPiServerModule and PageTypeBuilder. Whenever we mapped up new associations nothing was shown on the page. When we went back to the Topic Map tab everything looked fine. This meant that the associations was saved to the TMCore database, but not reflected on the page.

I had Networked Planet support do the same thing witout the PageTypeBuilder, and then everything worked as expected.

Here is a little description of the problem:

This is how the page looks like.

Associations before edit

I now wanted to add another "Prosjektdeltakelse". I went into edit mode and clicked the "Topic Map" tab. Here I added the the project "Er det farlig? giftig oppslagsverk for Klif" and clicked "Save and publish".

Associations edit

When I went to view mode nothing had changed. After lots of debugging and support help from Networked Planet, we finally saw this error message in FireBug.

Associations error

This error is probably caused by PageTypeBuilder doing something to the tabs before TMCore can publish the page and do a redirect to the "View" tab again. We did not have time to find out on how to get this to work. A workaround for this is to go to the "Edit" tab and click "Save and publish" after you have saved the associations on the "Topic Map" tab.

The result was as we expected.

Associations working