Settings for your application or module
<p>Have you ever wanted to store settings for an application or a module in another place than appsettings or your own config section?</p>
The other day I held a presentation of the Epicode Netmeeting module at the EPiServer Meetup. Settings for this module is stored in its own config section i Web.Config. Stein Viggo asked me if there is another way for storing config settings. And indeed there is. Here is a solution for doing so.
I have a module for showing scaled and cropped pictures. This module has two settings in its own config section:
<add key="AllowedPictureFormats" value="jpg,jpeg,png,gif,tif,tiff" />
<add key="ScaledImagesProviderName" value="ScaledImages" />
I want to store these settings in the dll for this module. Make a class that uses the GuiPlugIn attribute.
using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using EPiServer.PlugIn;
namespace Epinova.ImageResizer.Utilities
[GuiPlugIn(Area = PlugInArea.None, DisplayName = "ImageResizerSettings")]
public class ImageResizerSettings
private static ImageResizerSettings _instance;
[PlugInProperty(Description = "Allowed picture formats", AdminControl = typeof(TextBox), AdminControlValue = "Text")]
public string AllowedPictureFormats { get; set; }
[PlugInProperty(Description = "The name of the provider where the scaled images are stored", AdminControl = typeof(TextBox), AdminControlValue = "Text")]
public string ScaledImagesProviderName { get; set; }
public ImageResizerSettings()
PlugInSettings.SettingsChanged += new EventHandler(PlugInSettings_SettingsChanged);
private static void PlugInSettings_SettingsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
_instance = null;
public static ImageResizerSettings Instance
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new ImageResizerSettings();
return _instance;
Build your solution and go to admin mode and select the "Config tab". Then click the "Plug-in Manager"
Select the name of your dll and your configuration settings will appear. Fill in the settings and click "Save".
Now you can access these settings in code like this:
string filesystemProviderName = ImageResizerSettings.Instance.ScaledImagesProviderName;
private readonly string _allowedExtenstions = ImageResizerSettings.Instance.AllowedPictureFormats;
A common way to store settings is to a PageReference. You can do it in the following way:
[PlugInProperty(Description = "Link to a page", AdminControl = typeof(InputPageReference), AdminControlValue = "PageLink")]
public PageReference LinkToPage{ get; set; }
The PageReference is accessed the same way as the other settings:
If you want to add a reference to a PageTypeId, you can use this class:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using EPiServer.DataAbstraction;
using EPiServer.Web.WebControls;
namespace YourNameSpace{
[Serializable, DefaultProperty("PageTypeID"), ToolboxItem(false), ValidationProperty("PageTypeID"), ToolboxData("<{0}:InputPageType runat=server></{0}:InputPageType>")]
public class InputPageType : InputBase
DropDownList _ddl = new DropDownList() { DataSource = PageType.List(), DataTextField = "LocalizedName", DataValueField = "ID" };
public int PageTypeID
get { int val; int.TryParse(_ddl.SelectedValue, out val); return val; }
set { _ddl.SelectedValue = value.ToString(); }
protected override void CreateChildControls()
The PageTypeId can be references like this in you Settings class:
[PlugInProperty(Description = "Your PageType", AdminControl = typeof(InputPageType), AdminControlValue = "PageTypeID")]
public int YourPageTypeId{ get; set; }
And you can use it in your code like this:
So what do you think, is a good way to store your settings?
Thanks to Thomas Leela for showing me this nice solution!