Epinova.Mobile.Core released on Nuget
<p>The Epinova.Mobile.Core plugin is now available on the Episerver Nuget feed with a few changes/ improvements since I first blogged about it.</p>
See also: Introducing Epinova.Mobile.Core for mobile EPiServer solutions
Updates & improvements
Mobile detection
If you do not set the setting for"MobileDeviceMaxWidth" the method Request.IsMobileDevice() will be based on the WURFL properties "is_wireless_device" and "is_tablet":
int mobileDeviceMaxWidth;
int.TryParse(ModuleSettings.Instance.MobileDeviceMaxWidth, out mobileDeviceMaxWidth);
if (mobileDeviceMaxWidth == 0)
return device.IsWireless() && !device.IsTablet();
This way you dont have to set any settings to get the component up and running.
Request extensions
- IsMobileDevice
- IsMobileDevice (int mobileDeviceMaxWidth)
- IsTabletRequest
- IsBotRequest (WURFL built-in)
- IsDesktopRequest (WURFL built-in)
- IsMobileRequest (WURFL built-in, do not use if you dont want iPad to fall under the mobile category)
- IsSmartTvRequest (WURFL built-in)
- GetDeviceForRequest
Device extensions
- Capabilities
- IsWireless
- IsTablet
- ClaimsWebSupport
- ResolutionWidth
- ResolutionHeight
- MaxImageWidth
- MaxImageHeight
- MakeCallString
Utilities (WurflInfo)
- GetDeviceById(string deviceId)
- GetAllDevices()
These are the extension methods added as of now. More may become available. It is updated with the latest WURFL API from Nuget (WURFL_Official_API.1.4.1)
Available now on EPiServer Nuget feed (ID: Epinova.Mobile.Core)